Workshop on Stress Management
The Workshop was successfully conducted for Our BBA 1st Semester Student dated on March 16, 2018 from 2:30 pm to 5 pm at Dining Park Restaurant & Lounge Bar, Old Baneswor.
The session was conducted by International Motivational Speaker Mr. Raman Nepali. The session aims to introduce things that cause stress in life and to help acquire basic skills for managing stress in academic and personal life.
The Session concluded with an impression to describe different kinds of stress and their effects on the student life.
Month: March 2019
UCSI University Is Malaysia’s Best Private University In The QS World University Rankings 2019
UCSI University is ranked as Malaysia’s best private university in the QS World University Rankings 2019, placing it in the top 2% of all universities in the world.
Ranked 481, UCSI is the only Malaysian private university in the top 500. This is the first time UCSI is featured in the QS World University Rankings – an annual exercise that ranks the world’s best universities.
Apart from UCSI and the nation’s five research universities, no other Malaysian institution made it to the top 500.
The latest milestone caps a memorable year for UCSI – one that also distinguished it as Asia’s fastest rising university (QS University Rankings: Asia 2018) and a global top 100 university for performing arts (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018).
UCSI Vice-Chancellor and President Senior Professor Dato’ Dr Khalid Yusoff said that the University’s continued rise in global stature was a culmination of university-wide push for excellence and performance with specific strategies to reach-out and to reach-in, a commitment to synergise with the future for its students and staff, and the dedication and hard work of its staff and students in pursuing these ideals and aspirations.
“We welcome this development as it shows we are moving in the right direction,” he said. “All of us at UCSI have been working consistently to improve ourselves and I’d like to thank all UCSI staff and students for their efforts. Alhamdulillah.
“Our focus is to push UCSI further and higher. We are building the strengths of the University. Quality education is our priority and we want to be a standard bearer of thought leadership.”
Senior Professor Khalid also mused that UCSI’s position in the rankings showed that Malaysian universities could achieve marked improvement.
“The rankings prove that we can do it if we want to,” he added. “We can’t do it if we’ve already decided not to.
“UCSI shares the aspiration and takes up the challenge and responsibility of making Malaysia the regional hub of higher education.”
Over the years, UCSI has focused extensively on improving its research output, curriculum development and delivery, as well as industry partnerships. UCSI also works closely with the great universities around the world while working together with newer universities in the region.
It has elevated its engagement with the world’s best universities. UCSI students are annually selected by Harvard, Imperial College London, Chicago and Tsinghua and the University of Queensland for involvement in various research programmes in those universities.
Additionally, the University of Melbourne has arrangements for UCSI’s third year medical students to work for the Bachelor of Medical Sciences (Melb.) after one year of studies in Melbourne, indicating that Melbourne University recognises the three years of UCSI’s MD programme.
The students will then return to UCSI to complete their MD programme, graduating with two degrees from two universities.
Highest Paying Jobs for IT in Nepal
We wake up, scroll through all forms of social media even before our tea. Our day is then run through various technology-backed devices and software. Even as we sleep, most of us barely make it without a little help from the internet. We live in a vicious cycle of sleep- technology – repeat.
The 21st century is undoubtedly a technology-dominated century. Everything happens with a click. The way we look, the way we act, the way we are, technology has infiltrated our lives in every possible way. From basic to splendid, we have come a long way in efficiency. We have almost conquered the undoable, and we’re now looking forward to doing the unthinkable.
Nepal, as a developing country has grown to become a massive hub of Information Technology. At this pace, it wouldn’t be silly to assume that there’s no stopping to this market. In fact, it is on a seemingly endless rise. There is a cut-throat competition of the Best IT colleges in Nepal, as well as IT companies. It’s no wonder that thousands of students have gone into an IT enrollment spree. There is already an existing crowd of great minds with impressive tech-related degrees on hand. Who takes the brunt of this? All the IT engineers, a show of hands, please. It becomes a chain of chaotic supply-demand between Engineers and Opportunities. Striking a balance between qualification and satisfaction becomes a Herculean task, and even more so when pay is involved.
Worried? We’ve done the research, don’t worry. Here is a list of the highest paying Job Opportunities in Nepal. So sit back, relax, and take notes if you have to!
- Software Development
What is it?
- Software developer deals with all aspects of building a software- research, development, design, and running tests. These are the genius minds behind various applications that we use in Mobile phones, computers, and other electronic gadgets. This job particularly, demands both technical knowledge and creativity. Software Analyst and Software Engineers are some related job titles that although quite varied, are often used as similar roles. Whereas, most of the Job titles that say developer encompass both these roles in it, and even more so recently.
There are thousands of existing software, yet they never seem to be enough. In Nepal, the rise is pronounced. The leading firms in Nepal are Software firms that have expanded on a global scale. The advantage of a software developer is that skill matters a lot, which means an entry-level engineer has good chances of landing a good job. The stability of software firms is a crucial factor too. You get a job immediately, with good pay, and there are barely fluctuations; it’s a win-win. Leading companies in Nepal like Deerwalk and Leapfrog associate themselves with a number of software developers.
Swagat Niraula, currently an intern at Sroth Code Games, says, “The reason why future in software development is so bright is that software is ever-changing. People change; Trends change. I don’t see it going away any time soon.“ - Web Development
Web developers make websites and applications which are hosted by the net. Everything that we see in web browsers is made by them. Again, it is a vast topic including many different roles. .NET developers and PHP developers are the ones most frequently sought after in this field in Nepal. These are unique languages used for web development.
The answer to this question is in the word itself: it’s the web. It’s large, networked, and expanding rapidly. The concept of web development in Nepal although old has only seen prosperity over the recent years. ‘Web application developers’ is even more in demand. Small businesses, education industries, large firms, everyone is shifting to the web for their growth. Consequently, opportunities have increased. Braindigit IT, eb Pearls are some of the top companies in Nepal which are frequently on a lookout for Web developers. - Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is marketing through digital platforms, primarily the internet. It combines the principles of marketing and technology and has been almost revolutionary in the market. The major IT roles in this field are SEO (search engine optimization) and SMM (Social Media Marketing), which automatically include RnD, Designing, and Editing. This is a platform where one can combine technical capabilities with various other skills and can flourish brilliantly. There aren’t many IT colleges in Nepal which offer special courses for digital marketing, however there are quite a number os webinars, classes, and seminars on it.
Digital Marketing is the current buzz in Nepal, and globally as well. On a daily basis, we come across hundreds of campaigns knowingly or unknowingly. This is a century where words sell, even more so through the internet, and Digital Marketing is a concept which has gotten hold of that really well. There are many agencies in Nepal which have performed brilliantly with this knowledge. This also is an excellent medium of international exposure, as marketing is a global network. Even with tremendous growth over the years, this field is remains a gold mine of the future, if you know just how to dig it.
Mr. Ullekh Niraula, CEO of Digital Gurkha, says, “”As technology is growing exponentially, Digital Marketing is one of the hottest fields right now. Small Businesses and conglomerates alike are vying for Digital Marketing to reach out to “The Digital Generation”. You can expect an exponential Demand for Digital Marketers in the coming years. - Data Scientist
“A data scientist is someone who is better at statistics than any software engineer and better at software engineering than any statistician”. – Josh Wills.Data Scientists are basically artists of data. They take enormous data and arrange them so that it makes tackling strategic difficulties easier. This combines knowledge of IT and statistics. The roles of a data scientist are to collect, examine, analyze and interpret data to give effective solutions and predictions.
The importance of a data scientist underlies again in how technology and business influenced the world is. Various entrepreneurs rely heavily on the past data to make important decisions for the future. As a developing country, this becomes a crucial factor as we’re still in the process of experimentation. The market is always on a hunt for quality data scientists. This job is also highly sought out by entry-level applicants. It finds use in all other areas of IT, like Tech Support, Marketing, and development; hence, the opportunities. - Start-Ups
A Start-Up is an entrepreneurial venture which has been developed to meet the needs of the current market. It is idea, innovation, knowledge, skill, and excellent managerial qualities.
Nepal has become an extensive pool of Start-ups, and its scope is no longer understated. It’s an excellent opportunity for someone who has a unique idea, and wants to make a change. There have been many success stories of young entrepreneurs who have become global change-makers and leaders from their start-ups. The reason it ranks low on the list is due to the high risk factors involved.However, with right knowledge and research, this can be a huge triumph.
Princi Koirala, CMO, Sr. Product Manager at Tootle, says, “There are challenges on every aspect. I would say don’t just get into it solely for the sake of all the hype around startups. There is so much more that is coming with it. “
Overall, the opportunities in Nepal are huge, and definitely increasing. IT is a field with tremendous potential, but there are a lot of factors that come into play when we talk about “Good Jobs”. No matter where you go, the assets that stand out are your skills and hard work. Attend seminars, workshops, courses; there are brilliant resources in today’s world. There also are great IT colleges in Nepal which offer you almost everything you need to. If you put your mind and time, even a small idea can become a huge victory. Listen to your heart, combine the knowledge your brain has stored for you, and put it in an extra lot of effort – you will do wonders!
Wishing you all the best for your future.
Soft Skills: The Secret Weapon To Your Successful Career
Soft Skills: What?
There are hundreds of people in a crowd. 3+ GPAs, excellent technical qualifications, good schools, top universities, highly experienced: how do some people still stand out? The term is soft skills. The qualities excluded from the list of ‘qualifications’ in a job dejsion; it’s the difference between the good and excellent. Simply put, these are the characteristics that enable someone to co-operate and interact easily with others.
Soft Skills: Why?
It’s the soft skill sutra: Success. Progress. More Success.
Having soft skills isn’t an attribute or importance anymore; it’s a necessity. Contrary to hard skills, these are more or less intrinsic in nature and require progressive learning. This makes it an absolute charm and is very much sought after by all industries. Once you begin your work journey, your credentials are of almost no value unless you have the right qualities to apply them effectively! Not just a company or an organization, soft skills are of uttermost importance for your personal growth too.
So, what soft skills do you need? Here is a list of some traits you simply cannot (and shouldn’t) miss.
- Communication: A company is its people, and what binds people is communication. No matter how great your ideas are, they’re almost as good as none if you don’t have the skills to communicate them effectively. This skill begins at a root level. Communicating through your resume, then with interviewers, colleagues, clients – it doesn’t stop. And if you don’t want your success to stop, your skills shouldn’t too.
- Flexibility: It’s very rare that your role in a company ends where it’s supposed to. Once in the industry, you’ll have to learn, grow, do new things, and go out of your comfort zone. If you’re not open to exploring and adapting, you’ll hinder the growth of yourself as well as everyone around you.
- Leadership: The world can never be not in need of leaders. You need to be able to take action on your own, as well as lead a team to success. People who step up are always admired, and they make running and organization look super easy. This skills stands out immediately, giving the kick you need for your career.
- Creativity: You might ask, “Why do I need creativity if my role is completely technical?”. The answer is simple: Without creativity, it’s boring. Whether it is coding, managing building, cooking, or absolutely anything, creativity makes things intriguing. You’ll always be needed to do things differently in every field. So, get thinking outside the box!
- Decision-making: There’ll be a lot of work to be done, no time to waste, and no one to always look after the things you do. You need to make quick, rational and strong decisions. This is a skill that’ll make you dependable and take you to great glory in the long run.
- Self-motivation: You are your biggest strength. But you are also your biggest weakness. If you’re passionate, focused, and self-driven, you become unstoppable. This is a highly cherished trait in the corporate world, and for one simple reason: there’s no time for anyone else! You need to have your own back and push forward to make every work pay off.
Whether it’s IT, Business, or HM; Whether it’s Nepal, America or Australia; there are no places where soft skills don’t matter. There are no certificates that prove them or exams that would grade you on this basis. However, when a person has good soft skills, it shows.
There are some people who possess these characteristics naturally, but it can be easily acquired with practice and patience. The best time to learn these is in your college/University days because it’s like a trailer to the big world that lies ahead of you.
Now that you know what you need, don’t wait. Bag as many of these as you can, and give your career an amazing boost.
We wish you all the best!
Bachelors In Nepal Might Be Better Than Abroad – Here’s Why
Around four and a half years ago when I completed my +2, I had to face the dreaded question, “What next?”. Moreover, “Where next?”. “Should I study in Nepal or abroad?” It bugged me for several nights till I decided to leave my nest and explore a world across the seas. Although I did my research, I would be lying if I said I hadn’t made the decision partly because almost everyone around me was doing the same. A degree later, I can vouch for the experience as good, but there are things I wish I’d known before. Had I, would I have made the same decision? Not really.
First of all, let’s address the elephant in the room. Why do you want to go abroad? Better facilities? Independence? Better degree? Let’s talk about these reasons, and why you should think about them again, one by one.
International degree: An internationally recognized degree is an excellent asset to your career growth, no doubts there. But do you need to go abroad for that? If you’re talking about 5-10 years back, that’s very well and true. Today, there is an abundance of colleges in Nepal that facilitate international degrees. Moreover, there are tie-ups and affiliations with international multiversities that find themselves very high in the world rankings. With credit transfers, courses updated to an international standard, and intern facilities – the world is getting smaller, and it’s getting closer to Nepal than ever before!
Facilities: I am not going to claim that Nepal has better facilities. But I’m thinking my four years as a student, was there anything I needed I couldn’t have gotten it in Nepal? Life abroad may be a tad bit easier with deliveries at your doorstep and public transport that isn’t quite as crowded, but comfortable doesn’t always mean better (or necessary).
State-of-art infrastructures, standard equipment, practical labs, and facilities catered to the need of students have become pretty much a given in many good colleges in Nepal. It’s astounding how much the educational facilities in Nepal have shifted over the past years. I’ve watched my friends in Nepal talk about field visits, internships, practical reports, presentations, and experiments, and it was all pleasantly surprised.
International Exposure: Excuse me for being repetitive, but I cannot stress this enough – as much as the world is growing, it’s getting smaller. Exposure/Growth is very relative. There are students abroad who’ve barely seen the world outside their classrooms, and there are students in Nepal who’ve stunned the world with their progress. There are many student/youth clubs in Nepal which have developed as an international chapter – Rotaract, YTS, AISEC, the list goes on. Extra-curricular activities have become of great focus. There are international associations in Nepal (I/NGOs, French Alliance Nepal, Kaalo), where you can meet people from all over the world and grow your interactions.
Work part-time in a field of your choice (there is no shortage, trust me! ), volunteer for social causes, explore the country, join youth clubs, develop your idea – get involved! There’ll be no holding you back. If anything, growing your idea is much smoother in Nepal than anywhere else just because of how Nepalese have become open to new things lately.
Independence: Many students choose abroad because they wish to get away from social ties and lead an independent life. I remember my parents trying to convince me against my decision by saying that I’d be alone there. I said, “That’s the reason I want to go!”
Over the course of time, I realized that independence doesn’t necessarily come from living alone. What grew me as a person was not being away from home – it was paying for my tuition fees, getting a job, cooking for myself, doing my chores. If you want to, do you need to go abroad for that? No!
True freedom is in learning to make effective decisions and being able to stick up to it. It’s in handling responsibilities of yourself and everyone around you. And that is very well taught when you’re at home. In between trying to bridge the age gaps, doing things that you think is right and learning how to deal when others think you are wrong – you will flourish as a bold, independent person.
Apart from these, there are many additional benefits of studying in Nepal.
Connections: Networking and communication is a huge part of a successful career. When you’re in Nepal, you understand the market, you meet influential and experienced people of Nepal, and knowingly/unknowingly build strong communications. Whether the next step for you is getting a job, or getting a good recommendation for your further studies, this will become a significant advantage on your side.
Family support: I’ve spent countless nights abroad just wishing to be with my family. Whether it be festivals, times when my family members or I were sick, or moments when I was down, it was pretty heart-wrenching. This phase of life is a one where support from family and friends is of utmost importance. Maybe in the future, there’ll be teleportation and things will get better. But for now, video calls just don’t cut it.
Start over: Unless you’re planning to settle down abroad, returning to Nepal after completing your studies is a start from scratch. If you find what you love and hold on to it, you’re going to be very successful in the long run. Talking about myself, I made friends and got used to a particular lifestyle abroad. When I returned, I had to spend some time getting used to the change again. It might not be true in everyone’s case, but it caused me a little setback for a while.
I am a strong advocate of exploring and learning new things and believe that going abroad is something that should be on everyone’s bucket list. If you’re looking forward to studying abroad, I won’t advise you against it. However, know your reasons. Decide if it’s worth it. When you’re deciding for yourself after +2 (or even after), the course and university do matter. However, those are the things you should be considering more- not solely the country and the hype that surrounds it.
MBA Myths You Should Stop Believing In!
Is MBA all about being dapper in suits and polished shoes, an elite gathering of entrepreneurs and investors street-smarting their way out of it? IS MBA the sure-fire way to correct all your academic choices and excel in a career of your interest? Is MBA in Nepal really a good option? Are there good MBA colleges in Nepal? Is an MBA really worth the hype?
No matter what stream you’re from, doing an MBA must have struck your mind at one point in time. Whether your goal is to pursue MBA from Nepal or abroad, the myths that revolve around this highly coveted course stay pretty much a constant throughout the globe. Before you invest hours in preparing for MBA entrance tests and applying to esteemed colleges, let’s discuss these myths and bust them- one important revelation at a time!
1. The ultimate door to a new career!
Are you considering an MBA to change your career?
You’re not alone. However, there are things you should know before. Firstly, there are two kinds of career changes: Functional and Industrial. For Example, If you choose to stay an Engineer but change from a communications industry to a Digital Marketing firm, you would be switching industries. If you, however, choose to change your role from an engineer to a social media manager, you are changing the function! Top-ranked B-schools and firms generally advise against doing both at once.
A transition is needed before you take the huge leap. And yes, as much as an MBA gives you that step of safety, it’s not enough! Once you go for MBA, from the internships that you do to the courses you take, everything determines your future. You need to be ready to compete with the existing experts in that field, put in all those extra hours of unwavering commitment, and also to accept the questioning eyebrows raised at you when you talk about a career change.
The verdict: Can you change your career through MBA? Yes. Is it as easy as a stroll in the park, the way it’s portrayed? No. But if you’re getting a chance (the best one) at doing what you love the most, it sure is worth everything!
2. You can talk / Network your way out of an MBA
During our Bachelors, we all had at least one management course that was mandatory. And let’s be honest, that was the subject we considered ‘chill’. From filling our pages with the same lines written five different ways to probably not even owning a textbook, we’ve all been there, done that. And if you’re going to MBA with the same notion, you’re in for a huge shock. You cannot by-heart your way out of an MBA. It needs thinking outside of the box, and a lot of hard work.
Same applies for a job after MBA, if you think you’re going to use your words without any knowledge, and end up with a huge paycheck, you’re wrong. MBA is one of the most sought-after courses, and with good reason. Leadership skills, research, efforts, critical thinking makes the manager a good one. MBA is a lot more than a shiny degree you can get away with by lazying around.
The Verdict: MBA does teach you how to put your best point forward. Networking and communications skills are essential too. However, the ‘point’ is of vital importance and you need to have a profound knowledge to make it the best one!
3. If it’s not an Ivy League or a B-School with great ranking, MBA is useless
There is an abundance of Business schools today, each promising a better future than the rest. But are the top-ranked schools the only way to make your degree valuable? This myth, unlike others, comes with a bittersweet reality. Yes, a good college does matter! From the job you end up with, to the overall impact it makes on your networking, a good B-School can become the star of your portfolio.
The good news, although, is that fame of the institute doesn’t beat talent. Work hard and re-define the degree! Even the growing industries have come to acknowledge the increasing potential of students from all over the globe in different schools. There are many college offering MBA courses in Nepal itself that have delivered excellent results and groomed leaders!
The Verdict: Choosing a good college is crucial for your personal development and shaping your future. However, good colleges are not only the IVY league ones. There are many colleges that provide quality education all over the world. And in the end, it does boil down to your dedication more than anything else.
4. MBA- Masters Of Barely Anything?
With increased competition in all fields and a few unfortunate rotten apples to blame, the term ‘meaningless’ has quite surprisingly tagged itself along with MBA in the lay-men crowd. But there’s history to prove this wrong. In fact, MBA could help you excel in any discipline! No matter what stream your undergrad course was in, MBA helps you look at it with a fresh perspective and come up with creative, more organized ideas. MBA programs focus more on the application even more than the theory, producing skilled personnel who are the best at what they do. The MBA degree ensures that the student has enough learning and knowledge to be able to work in any area of his choice, opening a door for tremendous career growth.
The Verdict: There are MBA graduates who’ve changed the world with their ideas. And if “barely anything” would suffice to excel so far, MBA helps you master that as well!
The demand for specialized degree programs at the post-graduate level has been growing, and the MBA programs have witnessed a radical shift with it. The essence and value of an MBA degree have only escalated over the years. If any myth was holding you back from applying, we hope that’s all cleared out. So go ahead and ace that Masters degree, we’re rooting for you!